
Whether you transfer to SPU from a regionally accredited two- or four-year school, with or without an associate’s degree, SPU的信用评估人员将确保您的转学工作适当地应用于SPU的学位要求. 网易彩票app的目标是帮助您尽可能快速有效地获得学士学位.


如果你打算在转到SPU之前完成副学士学位,请查看录取通知书 要求和截止日期 和招生或学术顾问谈谈,确保你选择了适合你的学位.


Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) Degrees
如果你在网易彩票下载开始上课之前完成了批准的DTA学位, 您将在完成所有探索性课程和大学核心要求的情况下进入SPU, as well as the foreign language proficiency requirement. 一般, you will enter with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts you from University Foundation 1000. 所有进入大三或大四的学生必须完成UFDN 3001和UFDN 3100.

如果你在华盛顿州两年制学校获得DTA副学士学位的学分不到20个,那么你将转到SPU, you may be eligible to participate in SPU’s 反向转让协议. 参加该计划的学生完成在西雅图州立大学的最后课程,并将其转回社区学院. Once the degree at the 社区 college is received, students receive the transfer benefits of the DTA degree. 联系你的 本科学术顾问 要讨论这个选项.

Washington State Associate’s Degrees Designed for Specific Academic 项目

Associate of Science, Option I and II
如果你在网易彩票下载开始上课之前完成了选项I或II*科学副学士学位, you will enter SPU with at least 15 credits applied toward arts, humanities and/or social sciences requirements. AS-T学位的目的是帮助你在转到SPU之前完成专业的低级课程,而不是完成所有的通识教育要求. 探索性课程和大学核心要求将在课程的基础上得到满足. 所有进入大三或大四的学生必须完成UFDN 3001和UFDN 3100.

*科学副学士,选择II强烈推荐给pre-engineering transfer申请者.

Associate of Applied Science-Transfer Degree
如果你在网易彩票下载开始上课之前完成了应用科学副学士学位, you are eligible to apply f或者是 专业研究课程. Students in this program follow an alternative General Education curriculum. 通识教育的要求可以通过每门课程的转学课程来满足. You will complete an academic minor at SPU and earn a “Professional Studies” major. 一般, you will enter SPU with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts you from University Foundations 1000. 所有进入大三或大四的学生必须完成UFDN 3001和UFDN 3100.



俄勒冈州转学位副学士(AA/OT)或俄勒冈州转学位副学士(AS/OT- b), Associate of Science 俄勒冈州 Transfer Degree-Computer Science (AS/OT-CS)
If you have earned one of these degrees before you begin classes at SPU, you will enter with all your Exploratory Curriculum, 大学核心(UCOR), and Academic and Disciplinary (WRI) requirements fulfilled, as well as proficiency requirements in foreign language. 一般, students will enter with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts them from University Foundation 1000, one of the three UFDN courses required for all SPU students. 如果你是大三或大四学生,你仍然需要完成UFDN 3001和UFDN 3100.


如果你在网易彩票下载开始上课之前完成了文科或理科副学士学位, 以及IGETC轨道, 您将在完成所有探索性课程和大学核心要求的情况下进入SPU, as well as proficiency requirements in writing and foreign language. 一般, that means you will enter with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts you from University Foundation 1000. 所有进入大三或大四的学生必须完成UFDN 3001和UFDN 3100.


If you are transferring from a four-year college or university, your transcript will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. 一定要查看网易彩票app转移等效指南 为你的学院或大学.



  1. 转移应用程序: 使用 SPU应用程序 或者是 常见的应用程序
  2. 正式大学成绩单* 每一所大学的成绩单以及授予学士学位的机构的最终成绩单, 显示已授予的学位.
  3. $50申请费.


If you are a nursing student, submit the SPU护理应用 in lieu of either application listed above. Get all the details on what’s required from the 卫生科学学院.


     Office of 本科招生



Early Action 秋季截止日期








Interested in transferring to Seattle Pacific’s Lydia Green 护理 Program? 继续读下去,了解关键的截止日期、要求和即将到来的信息会议.


被认为是 护理转学生, 您必须在护理课程开始之前完成直接转学学位或90个可转换学分. Students previously enrolled at SPU within the past four quarters should apply as SPU申请者. If you have questions about how your credits will transfer, see the 转学课程等效指南 or contact a SPU transfer admissions counselor.

至少要有3个.5 cumulative GPA in the prerequisite courses, with no one course less than 2.0, and no more than two repeated prerequisites due to a grade of less than 2.0. Attainment of the minimum GPA does not guarantee admission to a major, 然而, as the total number of admissions is limited by capacity.


  • 解剖学 & 生理学- 10个学分
  • General (Inorganic) Chemistry – 5 quarter credits
  • Biological (Organic) Chemistry – 5 quarter credits



If you are interested in applying to the program, please consult the 护理 申请的最后期限s and requirements 在启动流程之前.

To begin the application process, complete the 护理 SPU应用程序. As a part of the application, you will be asked to submit the following:

  • Official transcripts from each college or university attended
  • 未在等效转学指南中列出的任何先决条件课程的课程描述
  • 专业的建议
  • Prerequisite calculator/details page
  • 背景资料披露表格
  • 工作和志愿者时间

You will be notified by email if you are selected for an interview. 

接受与否取决于在7月1日之前成功完成秋季和冬季队列的所有先决条件课程. 所有申请人必须在提交申请时达到最低或更高的先决条件GPA,并且在所有先决条件课程完成时.

Virtual 护理 Information Sessions

来了解更多网易彩票app网易彩票下载护理学学士(BSN)课程的信息! 网易彩票app的转学招生顾问将提供有关申请流程的信息, 先决条件的信息, and what makes the Lydia Green 护理 Program distinct. 参加一个虚拟信息会议是让你在申请这个项目之前了解你需要知道的一切的最好方法.

请注意,这些信息会议是专门为在高中毕业后完成大学学分并计划在完成副学士学位后申请的转学生准备的, 90个可转让学分, 或学士学位. 一年级或跑步开始的学生应该遵循护理申请流程 高中生,并可与 本科招生办公室 欲知更多资料.

此时此刻, 个人咨询预约不适用于寻求直接进入护理课程的转学生. For answers to questions not listed on this website, email transfer@sceduc.net.



The majority of SPU majors are open to incoming transfer students! 这意味着如果你被SPU录取,你就自动被录取到你选择的专业. A small number of majors have limited capacity, and therefore have either a direction admission process or a portfolio requirement.

Here are the requirements for limited majors that offer direction admissions. If you have not completed the required courses, you can still apply to your major once you have completed classes at SPU.

对于直接进入专业的优先审查,请提交您的申请 申请的最后期限. For portfolio requirements regarding 艺术与视觉传达 please reach out to the admissions office at (206) 281-2021 or transfer@sceduc.net. 
Direct Admission Program Requirements



完成90个大学水平学分或获得批准的直接转学学位,最低累积大学水平GPA为3.0 in both general coursework and prerequisites, plus completion of at least two of the courses listed below:

  • 财务会计
  • 管理会计
  • 业务统计
  • 微观经济学
  • 宏观经济学
  • 营商的法律环境


完成90个大学水平学分或获得批准的直接转学学位,最低累积大学水平GPA为3.0 in both general coursework and prerequisites, plus completion of at least two of the courses listed below:

  • 财务会计
  • 管理会计
  • 业务统计
  • 微观经济学
  • 宏观经济学
  • 营商的法律环境


完成90个大学水平学分或获得批准的直接转学学位,最低累积大学水平GPA为3.0 in both general coursework and prerequisites, plus completion of at least two of the courses listed below:

  • 财务会计
  • 管理会计
  • 业务统计
  • 微观经济学
  • 宏观经济学
  • 营商的法律环境



  • 解剖学 and Physiology (both courses must be completed at the same school)
  • 普通大学化学
  • 有机生物化学
  • 普通心理学
  • 发展心理学
  • 营养
  • 微生物学
  • 统计数据

If you intend to apply f或者是 护理 major, your application to SPU and to the 护理 major will be submitted by 1月15日. 护理 students will apply to be admitted for Winter or Autumn quarters. 请参阅 护理网站 for more information about the application process.



  • 艺术基础1:表面
  • 艺术基础2:空间
  • 艺术基础3:时间
  • 艺术2102绘画:透视 & 设计(5) or 第1205(5)条*

For information on portfolio 要求和截止日期, visit the program’s 招生页面.


电子邮件 transfer@sceduc.net 或打电话 206-281-2021 或打电话 800-366-3344.